We've been offering online training for longer than Amazon has been selling books online. Wha...? Yes, it also blows our minds, but we put our first course online in 1997 (wow! that's 28 years of RCRA Hazardous Waste Management for Generators).
Because we started in the pioneering days of the internet (specifically, the World Wide Web), we found that a lot of our clients needed a little extra help, so we realized early on we would need to provide outstanding customer support. All these years later, we continue to deliver that outstanding customer support, even for those who don't need it.
We'd like to make a couple of points about training in general, and online training in particular. Not only is training required by various regulatory agencies (EPA, DOT, OSHA, MSHA, etc), it is extremely important in terms of providing a safe work environment. Our advice is "don't cut corners when it comes to training." Having stated that, our online courses are designed to assist personnel get the training they need, when they need it, and at a price they can afford. It is not provided as a way of "getting around" training requirements.
While we make every attempt to present appropriate training in an easy to understand format, we cannot ensure or guarantee that each user will emerge from training as competent and proficient. If that sounds like a disclaimer, it is. It's also a reminder that the regulations require you, the employer, to ensure that your employees are adequately trained. It's our goal at Eduwhere to provide training materials, training tools, and a training environment to assist employers meet their regulatory training obligations.