Bloodborne Pathogens
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Training Course for Healthcare Professionals provides training as required by OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030). Material covered in the course includes definitions of bloodborne pathogens, modes of transmission, universal precautions, engineering and work practice controls, exposure control plans, hepatitis B vaccinations, and other information needed to ensure the safety of healthcare workers in a variety of industries that may come intact with any forms of bloodborne diseases.
Additional topics on infection control, aseptic techniques, and prevention of disease transmission are also included in this Bloodborne Pathogens Training Course for Healthcare Professionals. While these topics are not required as part of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, they are required by some states, and we highly recommend these topics even if it's not required in your location.
This course can be used as introductory training as well as satisfy OSHA's annual refresher requirement.
Note that the standard requires an opportunity for you to ask interactive questions and receive answers from the person conducting the training session. OSHA was asked if having a trainer available to answer any questions via email was considered to be in compliance with this requirement. In an interpretation letter OSHA states that "it is critical that trainees have an opportunity to ask and receive answers to questions where material is unfamiliar to them. Frequently, a trainee may be unable to go further with the training or to understand related training content until a response is received." Therefore, it is OSHA's policy that using an email system to answer questions is NOT considered direct access to a qualified trainer. If the qualified trainer is available through an interactive on-line exchange or via phone communication whenever a question arises, this is considered acceptable.
This training course complies with the instructor requirement by having an instructor available via online chat and toll free number to call if you have questions.
A variety of workplaces in different fields carry the risk of exposure to blood and other bodily fluids, making you susceptible to bloodborne pathogens (BBP). If you work in a profession where you may come into contact with blood and other bodily fluids, OSHA mandates that you complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training annually.
In Eduwhere’s 4-hour online course, you will learn how bloodborne pathogens spread, how you can protect yourself from exposure, and what you should do if you do come into contact with BBP. Those who take the class should also consult with their supervisor about specific procedures and policies related to bloodborne pathogen exposure.
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Persons engaging in any activities, including custodial staff working in certain healthcare facilities, who are exposed to blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) while performing their routine work functions need to receive bloodborne pathogens training. This includes:
Healthcare personnel are among the most vulnerable populations for exposure to bloodborne pathogens. The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, established by OSHA in 1991, was created to protect medical personnel from the risk of coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens such as the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Thanks to this standard and its later revision, the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2000, medical workplaces were required to strengthen safety measures and provide better recording systems for incidents such as sharps injuries.
Medical personnel are not the only workers who may come into contact with bloodborne pathogens in a healthcare or other facility. Housekeeping staff may also be exposed to bbp when handling or cleaning blood or other bodily fluids.
While janitorial and maintenance personnel in healthcare facilities are likely all at risk of bloodborne pathogen exposure, this may not be the case for individuals holding similar positions in other sectors. In fields other than healthcare, employers must assess whether housekeeping positions pose a risk that would make bloodborne pathogens training essential according to OSHA standards. The main consideration is whether these personnel are likely to come in contact with blood or other bodily fluids in the course of their job duties, or whether there will be environmental protections in place to prevent this (such as lined receptacles for feminine hygiene products).
First responders–emergency medical technicians (EMT), law enforcement officers, firefighters, and paramedics–frequently risk exposure to bloodborne pathogens when delivering first aid. OSHA requires all first responders to complete the bloodborne pathogens training so that they will be aware of how to avoid or manage bbp exposure in their work. This includes an understanding of components of the exposure control plan in their workplace, such as incident reporting procedures, Hepatitis B virus vaccination standards, and post-exposure protocol.
If you are a phlebotomist or a medical researcher, you are required to complete bloodborne pathogen training whether you are a full-time employee or a subcontractor on a work site.
According to OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030), companies that send employees to laboratories to perform phlebotomy or medical research assume a degree of shared responsibility for bbp exposure and other risks. Such companies, described as “lessor employers” in the standard, are required to secure bloodborne pathogen training for their employees as well as assume responsibility for appropriate vaccinations and post-exposure evaluation. The client site, on the other hand, must provide PPE, site-specific training, and assume lead responsibility for protecting subcontractors from bbp exposure. Employment contracts between clients and lessor employers should clearly delineate the responsibilities of both parties before work commences.
Employees in a wide variety of industries are at risk of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. These include:
According to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen standard, determining whether employees who work in a particular industry may be affected by occupational exposure takes into account whether such risks can be “reasonably anticipated.” Staff who are likely to come into contact with human blood or blood components, as well as other bodily fluids or cell, tissue, or organ cultures, fall under this criteria. Also at risk are individuals such as laboratory researchers who may come into contact with infected animal blood or tissue.
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4 Contact Hours
This represents the estimated time to complete the online course, including exercises. Actual times may vary from user to user.
Citation: 1910.1030(g)(2)(i)
Employers shall ensure that all employees with occupational exposure participate in a training program which must be provided at no cost to the employee and during working hours.
Training shall be provided as follows:
At the time of initial assignment to tasks where occupational exposure may take place;
Within 90 days after the effective date of the standard; and
At least annually thereafter.
Excerpt from 1910.1030 via OSHA website.
Refresher Training Required: Every 1 year(s).
For over 25 years, Eduwhere has been a leading provider of affordable, accessible health and safety training to a wide range of industries.
In just 4 contact hours, you can complete this comprehensive online training and rest assured that you will know how to protect yourself from bbp in the workplace. Available to you 24/7, this course can be completed at any time from the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere with an internet connection.
Your OSHA-approved instructor, Lorri White, will draw from over two decades in the environmental industry to teach you everything you need to know to protect yourself from bloodborne pathogens in your workplace. Sharing her firsthand experience analyzing blood and tissue samples in a laboratory environment as well as up-to-the-minute knowledge of developments in the field, Ms. White will be available to answer questions through chat throughout the course, meeting the interactive communication training component required by OSHA.
The course fee entitles a single user to participate in the online course for at least six (6) months. Requests for additional time will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but are almost always honored. Hardcopy certificates are mailed (first class for domestic locations/standard airmail for international locations) and included in the course fee. Expedited shipping costs are additional.